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Services We Provide

| Community Participation Supports | S.W.A.T. | Pre-Employment Transition Services |
| In-Home & Community Services | Adult Supported Employment Services |

Adult Supported Employment Services

Serve, Inc. is proud to partner with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to offer many new and innovative pre-employment transition services for students as well as adult supported employment services. The following is a brief description of the services offered to assist in better planning for transition into post-secondary training and/or competitive employment.

Community Based Work Assessment (CBWA)
Assessment conducted in a community employment setting with the purpose of helping the customer learn about his or her abilities and to determine if competitive integrated employment (CIE) is an appropriate vocational goal.

Supported Employment Support Plan (SESP)
Reviews all evaluations and assessments an individual has completed to determine the level of support and services the customer may need to obtain and maintain CIE.

Non-Performance Based Supported Employment (NPBSE)
Job Mentoring
Job mentoring is for customers who may have the skills needed to perform the essential duties of the job but need intensive and frequent support to obtain and/or maintain employment.

Job Retention
Job retention is for customers who are currently working at a job within his or her capacities and needs on-site support to learn or relearn job tasks to retain their employment.

Intermittent Supported Employment
Intermittent supported employment is intended for customers who need short-term, sporadic assistance to help them maintain employment, particularly in situations where the customer may be in jeopardy of losing a job.

Performance Based Supported Employment (PBSE)
Job Development
Development includes activities that prepare the customer, the employment site and/or the employer for a customer obtaining employment and are intended to continue until the customer starts a job that matches the employment goal on the Individualized Plan for Employment.

Job Placement
Placement services begin at job acquisition and are provided up to the first 40 hours of employment and involve direct, on-site job coaching provided to the customer to lean job tasks and acclimate to the employment setting.

Job Maintenance
Job maintenance involves direct, on-site job coaching provided to the customer to maintain employment and assist in achieving stability.

Job Stabilization
Stabilization occurs when the customer’s work performance reaches a level acceptable to the employer and the job coaching and related support services have diminished to a level necessary to maintain the customer in competitive integrated employment.

Case Closure
Case closure occurs when a customer’s case meets the criteria for case closure when the customer has been employed for 90 calendar days past job stabilization or their maximum level of stability.

Extended Services
Supports given to customers who have not yet achieved stability on the job or need additional supports to maintain employment. (These services are provided by OVR only in cases where there are no alternative funding sources.)

Transitional Employment Program (TEP)
A series of temporary job placements in competitive integrated work with ongoing support services for customers with the most significant disabilities due to severe mental illness. (Provider organizations interested in providing Transitional Employment services will need to develop a Letter of Understanding with OVR and should contact their local OVR District Office to learn more about the process.)